The Band Sweepstakes Winners Announced !!
The Macomb Band Boosters announced the winner of their Grand Band Sweepstakes May 1st at Fellheimer Auditorium, Macomb Jr.-Sr. High School. Collin and Courtenay Ring, of Macomb was the winner of the $1000 cash prize. The Ring’s generously donated the entire prize back to the band boosters to help support the purchase of student oboes, the purpose of this year’s fund raiser.
The band boosters would like to thank the Ring’s for their generosity, Citizen’s Bank, Terrill title, Dr. Christine Standard of Macomb Audiology, and Robin Briney/Key Relators for being our sponsors, and to all those who purchased chances for helping us achieve our goal.

Left to right: Douglas Mattsey, Macomb High School band director; Courtenay Ring; Collin Ring; Arturo Martinez, Macomb Junior High band director; Courtney Blankenship, Macomb Band Booster President